
Miley Can’t Be Tamed and Can’t Be Stopped, Unfortunately

Miley Cyrus is a pretty good singer and she showed that when she was still the very famous‘Hannah Montana’. I was also quite impressed with her single ‘It’s the Climb, even if I wasn’t such a big fan. ‘I Can’t Be Tamed’ wasn’t so bad, either. But ‘We Can’t Stop’, which debuted at number 11 on Hot 100 when it was first released, left me speechless – but not in a good way.

Some say that her voice is more mature which matches the persona she is trying to display now. But, I will have to disagree (and vehemently, too) because like most ‘artists’ today, that voice sounded very auto-tuned.

Let’s move on to the lyrics this time. I don’t mind words which don’t rhyme – poetic license and all. But, Miley’s lyrics just seemed as if it was not thought of. I have to put emphasis on the second stanza when she sang:

Remember only God can judge us,

Forget the haters ‘cause somebody loves ‘ya

Personally, that sounded so much like Lady Gaga’s  Born This Way lyrics. I’m not a big fan of Lady Gaga either but I liked the latter artist’s construction better.

The chorus sounds like a mix between Caribbean sounds and hip hop. The piano tinkling in the background is possibly an expression of her country background. It might have been an attempt at giving it a universal approach to her music so that it may appeal to different people. But it did not work. For me, it was just a crazy hodgepodge of sounds.

But let me tell you who made this sort of sound work, that is, minus thecountry influence. Listen to Diana King’s version ofSay a Little Prayer and her original singleShy Guy  and you’ll understand what I mean.

If this was meant to be a dance-able single, she failed at that, too.

I’m not really sure what she wants to prove this time but it will surely be controversial. Her fans will love this as they are in love with her. But I suppose she is right when she says it is her house and her rules. I just don’t have to like it. Nor will I voluntarily listen to this song again.

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