A remarkable turn of events landed on the UK’s alternative rock band, Lonely the Brave made a comeback after appointing the band’s newest frontman, Jack Bennett. Almost four years after their last release, the band launched their third studio album, The Hope List. The release comes with high expectations, with Bennett’s voice smoothly fitting the band’s musical identity. Hopefully, with winning hooks and a wholesome set of instrumental, the band is leaping to a new era.
The boys from Cambridge are trying something fresh, the album itself is evident experimentation of producing a unique sound with post-rock elements in an alternative playlist. With 11 songs lasting for 38 minutes, they convey a cryptic message. Listening to the first song, “Bound,” does not mislead. This song pleads to the emotions and opens your ears to the more profound meaning behind the lyrics. It indeed shows a glimpse of the album’s entirety.
Listening to the next songs gives the same signature popping. The upbeat choruses, layered vocals, gratifying start and finishing of the guitars and drums are prominent on the remaining titles. The frontman sings in a heartfelt manner that provides the songs’ energy. “Open Door” and “Bright Eyes” are some of the titles that scream boldness and own captivating hooks that are stadium-ready. For various reasons, they serve as the album’s anthem.
“The Hope List” is a composition of tracks with bizarre yet meaningful lyrics. There is discernment of satisfaction with each of the words sang beautifully. The intensity in Bennett’s voice is visible, and he lived up to the expectations. His voice comes with both mellowness and concentration that delivers a massive impact. With Edgeley’s drums setting the pace, Bushen’s bass covering the depths, Trotter’s and Smithwick’s guitar creating seamless tunes, Lonely the Brave is going outside their box.
Undeniably for the ears of many, the album displays desperation. Yet, there is the hint of optimism that gives everyone hope in the end. Every track has its tone and edges and builds up its sentimental value. Its fearless, expansive, and telling a story that speculates how you think and feel. Such as in “Chasing Knives,” where the lyrics speak about honesty. It is a song driven by “strong will.” The wordplay is genius, with the delightful drums and guitar making it a hit.
Moreover, the songs set an atmosphere unlike any other, like the melody of “Something I said” makes you sway and dance, while songs like “Your Heavy Heart” reveals the vulnerability inside you. Lonely The Brave are unbeaten in sharing how they feel to their listeners. However, one flaw affects the songs’ quality, the overproduction of the electronic layering undermines the vocals and lessens the lyrics’ clarity.
Nevertheless, “The Hope List” stands out. The UK-based rock band could have done more, but it is still a splendid way to start the year with an album that reflects resiliency. Lonely The Brave wrote songs that are easily stuck on your head, making them unforgettable. The astonishing thing is you can easily sing along with these songs at any time of the day. Indeed, this album is worth the wait for the band’s fans. They would either love this era, adapt to the musical change, or nothing at all.
Overall, ending the album with “The Harrow” is one of the most profound things this band could have done. You will feel a tugging in your heart until the end because of the sentimentality it gives. “The Hope List” ultimately shows that hurt and sorrow are inevitable, but so is hoping and optimism. Lonely The Brave proved that artists could be your crying shoulders through its album.